Marilyn Hamilton's Blog

Welcome to my Blog. Thanks for stopping by and submitting a post.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Welcome to my blog. I have created this blog as part of a course requirement for a course I am taking. I am pursuing a doctorate at Walden University with a concentration in Educational Technology.

This is the first one that I have created a blog, so I am just discovering all that can be done. Any suggestions that you can provide about how to improve the "look" would be much appreciated.


Blogger Unknown said...

So far I am enjoyin being in this course. I am challenged by the new information that I am being introduced to.

I find the 2020 visions document to be very informative.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:04:00 PM  
Blogger nia said...


This is the first blog that I have ever created and logged on to as well. I have heard so much negative press but I was surprised
to read a topic of discussion as to whether blogs could be used to teach an online class. It looks like it can since they have
whiteboards and things of that nature.

Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:51:00 PM  

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