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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Week 6 reflection - Podcasts and Interactive Television

This week's topic has once again been an informative one. I was aware of podcasts and all that it could do for students. However I was not as aware of the uses of interactive television in the classroom.

I can see how using them in the classroom can be of value. I like watching programs such as the ones on Cable in the Classroom. I know that there was discussion that came afterwards and so on. It was not until I read the article by Squire, K. D. , & Johnson, C. B. (2000). Supporting distributed communities of practice with interactive television, that I really understood how it can be used to support learning.

To actually use this technology to engage in activities in which they would have to apply what they have learned in some sort of a practicum experience and to also include the "experts' in the field as tutors even though they are not in the same room, this I found to be fascinating.

I have developed a new perspective about the use of television in the classroom.


Blogger David Peter said...

The more I think and the more I read the more I start to see how we do not use technology as much as we could/should. You look around college campuses and see kids with ear-buds in their ears (I'm assuming iPods or some sort of mp3 player) ... that's the interesting part, the kids use the technology everywhere. That's the challenge for us ... how do we use what they are comfortable using.

Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:11:00 PM  
Blogger Karen Keffer said...

It sometimes feels as though the technology is changing right before our eyes. It is sometimes difficult to keep up with it all. I try to use as many different technologies as I can, but still feel as though I am sometimes falling behind.


Monday, October 16, 2006 4:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be an interesting piece of research to study the use of podcasts players by people, by ages. I don't know if something has been done on this, but it will give us a clue on how can we best design the insertion of podcasting into the curriculum for the different levels and for adult education. After all, we don't want the use of a tool to distract the learner from the real objectives of the lessons. Just a thought.

Saturday, October 21, 2006 5:59:00 PM  
Blogger nia said...

Marilyn and Yolanda,

You are correct, I can recall cable in the classroom since I have graduated from high school but to ditto what David said earlier, I don't believe that we have saw the educational purposes behind it. We have always looked at it as if the students were just sitting there watching television for class. But educators during this era did not know how to structure the time and facilitate questions using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Sunday, October 22, 2006 2:27:00 AM  
Blogger Dianne said...

Hi Marilyn:

I knew about podcasting. The ITV reminded me about ETV that I saw in high school. Good insights about our class. See ya. Dianne

Sunday, October 22, 2006 10:17:00 PM  

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