Marilyn Hamilton's Blog

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Week 7-Synchronous Learning Environments

This week's session was very informative. At first I felt that the question we had to respond to about the different time zones was a bit difficult. However after considering how I would feel in a class with 40 students, online it was easy to answer the first section. However I would like to know more about how to manage classes in different timezones.

Talk about the pedagogical methods that have to be employed to support the different learning styles and to develop partnerships between and among students. Personally I feel that I can handle the technology. But it is the pedagogy that I need to try and understand more about. For example, how do you exactly manage a class with students in different timezones? How do you support interaction and collaboration between and among students? What are some of the strategies that have worked and failed?


Blogger David Peter said...

Likewise, I feel that I can handle the technology. I can select the appropriate technologies, I understand the pedagogical implications of a particular technology ... but I often wonder if it is appropriate for the student. While one technology may be appropriate for teaching, it is important to ensure that the technology is appropriate for learning.

Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:20:00 PM  
Blogger nia said...

David and Marilyn,

I think we had this discussion a few weeks ago, but I am uncertain as to who's blog it was on. We discussed whether or not blogs could be used in certain disciplines such as math, science, or other non-linguistic disciplines. I learned that blogs and other emerging technology can be limited but also used in quite diverse ways such as more scientific disciplines are requiring writing in math and science to demonstrate critical thinking skills and to verbalize the problem solving process.

Friday, October 27, 2006 5:24:00 AM  

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