Marilyn Hamilton's Blog

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Week 12 IM Reflection

This week I spoke with Dr. Powley on Friday and with Phyllis on Sunday.

I really enjoyed IMs more than I thought I would have. I feel that I have made connections to my colleagues that will last long after the course ends. I attribute this to the IMs and Blogs.

Week 12 Reflection

I have learned a tremendous amount about new and emerging technologies that will enable me to make teaching and learning an exciting and rewarding experience.

I have benefited greatly from the postings of my colleagues and from Dr. Powley who always pushed us to learn more and to think more deeply about the subject under discussion.

In addition, I feel that I have benefited from the resources provided that added to the readings in the textbooks.

I wish all of you much success in your future studies and endeavors.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Week 11 - IM Discussion/activities.

This week I chatted with David and Dianne about the paper that was due. I also spoke with Phyllis.

Week 11 Discussion - Reflection

This week's discussion on simulations, games and simulation-games was informative and fun. I have used all of these programs and understood their value, however the readings and discussions provided a deeper understanding of how they are used in educational settings. I have learned the differences between and among the various types of game and simulations, something I never considered exploring before until now. Of particular interest to me was the section in Alessi and Trollip, on page 231 on the Theory of learning from Simulation and the instructional strategies associated with each one.

The links provided by my classmates expanded my list of programs to use.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Week 10 IM Activity

At the end of last week, I did communicate with Dr. Powley and uploaded a file to him. I also communicated with Diane and David.

Week 10 Discussion Activities - Reflection

This was a very interesting topic. I spent so much time exploring the various links my classmates provided and the ones that I found that I had to force myself away to continue posting responses to my colleagues. I feel that learning objects are going to be used more and more in the future.

While learning objects are great, I feel that more pedagogical strategies need to be developed that will help teachers employ them appropriately in a lesson. I would also hope that as they are developed, there are standards that help guide their creation and deployment.

I was surprised that some of them were available at a cost. However there are still many good ones that were free.

I am going to explore how to create them to align with the work that I do, teacher preparation.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Week 9-IM Activities

I have not been able to chat with anyone in the IM. I will do so this week to make up for last week's activity.

Reflection Week 9 Activities-LMS and LCMS

This week I spent most of my time reviewing the remaining multimedia presentations and responding to comments related to LMS and LCMS.

On the whole, the multimedia presentations were quite good. I for one was grateful for the feedback and made some changes accordingly. Receiving feedback from others as well as reviewing the other presentation were the valuable parts of this assignment in that I was exposed to a wide variety of technologies and the feedback given was very helpful. I was grateful that I was give an opportunity to make changes to my presentation. I created a website and added the PPT to it because there were some problems with some of the links.

The discussion around LMS and LCMS was exhilarating. I really learned a lot. I think that I am far ahead of my colleagues at the University where I teach, in that I know the difference and understand how the various learning strategies can be supported in am LMS and LCMS environment. The discussion also helped me formulate an argument for university wide adoption of the TK20 assessment system.