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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Reflections on the Windows Movie Maker Program

After you have finished creating and editing the movie using Microsoft's Windows Movie Maker program, reflect on this experience by answering the following questions:

1. What challenge/s did you face when editing the sample movie clip using the program?

2. How could the Movie Maker program support teaching and learning in the classroom?



Blogger Ms. Naomi Says said...

The most difficult part was downloading the movie which took a long time. Movie maker could be used in the classroom in many ways including playacting and reading aloud the reading selections and textbooks. It could also be used to introduce many lessons and topics to the class.

Monday, December 03, 2007 5:22:00 PM  
Blogger kenneth wedge said...

this was very interesting I think that I could be the next Spike Lee. This is somtthing that can be played with for hours. To where you could develop a carreer out of as a news reporter. The possibilitiess of use in the classroom are endless. Field trip and research projects can be compared for acuracy and detail. It will make the classroom experience come alive. The other part is that with all thing you will have a certain amount of clowns in a classs and there is a portion of the classs that will use this for evil. But the pluses out weigh the bad.

Monday, December 03, 2007 5:25:00 PM  
Blogger msdavinalston said...

Using Windows Movie Maker Program
didn't present many challenges. It was fun to see how you can edit and change clips within a movie.

I can see myself using this in my classroom. I would use it during field trips. When we have trips many parents attend and it would be fun to allow the students to see what each group saw. Often when you go to a large place such as the zoo students don't see everything.

I can also use it to capture steps during the process of a project that had many steps. Students can see how the project looked when it started, steps in between, and finally the finished product.

Monday, December 03, 2007 5:25:00 PM  
Blogger Othello the Yellow said...

It took a very long time to download the film on which the lesson was based. Other than that, the program itself is fairly easy to manage. The directions were easy to follow and the program itself is user-friendly. I especially enjoyed being able to add effects to the scenes I chose from the sample movie.
In the classroom, students may be able to use the Movie Maker program to augment their group projects, especially as a final product to present to the class in place of posterboard or other more archaic materials. Specifically, it supports teaching by enhancing the lesson for more visual learners. For learning, it captivates the students attention, as the lesson becomes more interesting if students are more engaged with either the presentation of the lesson or the final product of their endeavors.

Monday, December 03, 2007 5:26:00 PM  
Blogger Tyra said...

1. I did not face many challenges with editing the movie clip. I was actually fun. I liked editing the time and video effects. Since this assignment was just introduce to us, I will have to work with this repeatly to grasp the information before I introduce this to my students.

2. I think the Movie Maker program will be great in the classroom. I think this will be a good experience for the students to learn how to use media resources on the computer as well as hands on and teachers, but the teacher will have to know what they are doing before trying to help the child learn this information.

Monday, December 03, 2007 5:28:00 PM  
Blogger sang's said...

Learning how to create and install a movie is very interesting.I realized that you can even edit/ change the color of the fonts and background color.The system was very slow in downloding the clips.So One should use a higher speed internet connection especially when downloding large videos.

Video's are helpful especially when trying to demonstrate a topic to students in a classroom.

Monday, December 03, 2007 5:30:00 PM  

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